Monday, October 10, 2011

Journal Entries and Accounting Impact

CFA Level 1 - Liabilities

We will now discuss the journal entries and accounting impact of bonds issued at par, a premium, or a discount.

The market value of a bond is calculated as follows:

Formula 9.1

Market value of a bond = PV of coupon payments + PV of principal

Par-value bonds
Company ABC issues a $1m bond that will pay a 10% semiannual (coupon) for five years and similar bonds are paying 10%.

Market value = $1m
Face value or principal or book value = $1m

Bond issued at a Premium

Company ABC issues a $1m bond that will pay a 11% semiannual (coupon) for five years and similar bonds are paying 10%. Bond premiums are amortized using straight-line depreciation.

Bond issued at a Discount

Company ABC issues a $1m bond that will pay a 9% semiannual (coupon) for five years and similar bonds are paying 10%. Bond discounts are amortized using staring-line depreciation.

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