Sunday, August 14, 2011

Stock Market Lessons for Beginner Investors

For the beginner investor, if you understand how the stock market works it can give you tremendous returns. It is important that you don’t just speculate when you invest your money. Most uneducated people who speculate on what the market will do, end up seeing their investment drop in value. It has been said that the stock market exists to facilitate the transfer of vast amounts of money from the uneducated to the educated. So to avoid being uneducated it is important to first get a good stock market lesson, many do this by investing in an online stock trading course.

Beginner investors can learn from mistakes that experienced investors have made so they can avoid the common pitfalls associated with investing in the stock market. Every trading experience is an opportunity to learn how the stock market works and getting a good stock market lesson may prevent some common mistakes and give a number of different strategies for different market conditions.

Some good stock market lessons to follow are:

1) Before you invest ensure you have a good education in some basic simple stock market strategies and that you have practiced and “virtual traded these strategies for at least 3 months or until you are totally comfortable with them before you invest real money.

2) Diversify your investment so you do not put all your investment money into one company. By having an investment strategy where you diversify your portfolio you spread your risks between a few businesses and become more secure against a sudden downfall of a particular company. However, it should be noted that over diversification can also reduce your investment gains.

3) Give yourself a starting date so that you do not procrastinate and take action. You don’t need to become an expert in how the stock market works or know all the different terms and possibilities of it before investing. It is easy to get overwhelmed by all the technical terms and become a victim of analysis paralysis so that you never take action. Learn from your stock market lessons and have confidence to start investing to secure your financial future.

4) Understand investing psychology and do not let your emotions guide you away from the strategies you have learnt from your stock market lessons. Being emotionally involved while investing in the stock market cam derail your investment strategy. Fear and greed are the most common emotions that make most investors lose money. Every stock has downward and upward trends and most of the time it will increase in value in the long term as long as it is a good fundamental company. Don’t just sell because they drop in value. Traditionally to make a profit you need to buy low and sell high. However by taking stock market lessons that can teach you cool simple strategies like “the share renting strategy“, you actually may be able to close a position in a company and still make a profit even if the stock price is lower than what you originally purchased it for! These types of strategies are what astute stock market investors follow and can be easily learnt from an online stock market lesson.

5) As a follow on to understanding psychology, don’t be too greedy and invest a large portion of your capital in a particular company just because you heard that the stock price is about to increase tremendously. If the opposite happens you will dramatically affect your investment capital.

6) Only invest money that you can afford to lose. You may be able to minimise the chances of losing money in the stock market by reading the information on this website and applying it. If you have not purchased insurance there is always a chance that you will buy a stock from a company that will go bankrupt and take your investment with it. If you invest in a good stock market lesson and understand how the stock market works and how to use strategies that utilise insurance this will not be an issue for you.
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